Do You Suffer With…

  • Points that correspond to regions of the body associated with anxiety including the vagus nerve which is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system bringing our bodies back into a rest and digest state so we can heal and deal.

  • Get relief from a variety of illness-related symptoms ranging from cold + flu relief, respiratory and sinus relief, nausea, and more

  • Variety of points are activated to help combat cravings, support digestion, and even address the emotional contributors that make it harder to let go of excess weight.

  • Points are utilized for the area associated with presence of pain and points are used to decrease the feeling of pain.

  • Based on the research done by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Associations, this protocol helps address addiction and withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and drugs.

  • Let's talk about all the ways ear seeds can improve your quality of life.

Book Now Initial Evaluation

  • Complete review of your health history and how it relates to your concern(s)

  • Full examination and reading of your ear

  • Formation of your treatment plan


Follow Up Visit

  • Experience the benefit of ear seeds, relief for a variety of symptoms.

  • Single Earseed Application Appointment

  • This is for follow up scheduling only



Auriculotherapy is the practice of stimulating points on the ear to have a corresponding therapeutic effect elsewhere in the body. Earseeds are the means in which the points can be stimulated.

Earseeds offer natural relief from stress, anxiety, depression, or addiction and even chronic & acute pain. The most common earseeds are made by placing a seed from the Vaccaria plant on adhesive tape to specific acupressure points in the ear.

I offer a range of earseed options; Vaccaria seeds (the original form of earseed), stainless steel, or gold with crystals! The crystals don’t have a therapeutic effect, but due to their flat back it makes stimulating the point a little more effective. Besides, they look fabulous!

The History of Ariculotherapy

The first mentioning of stimulating points on your ear to treat conditions elsewhere in the body was found in the text Huang-Di-Nei-Jing known as The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine and contains information that is over 4000 years old. Documentation of ear stimulation to treat varying issues was documented in Egypt, Greece as well a little later. Multiple references were made through out China all the way up to 1888. In a book on Chinese Medicine, Zhang Zhen wrote that stimulating the ear can have a therapeutic effect on the heart, lungs and kidneys. It is also known to treat symptoms of the common cold, back pain and headaches. In the 1950’s however, Dr. Paul Nogier after seeing a patient with a cauterized ear for back pain, dedicated his life to the research and study of Auriculotherapy. After a few years he made a profound discovery; the external ear is an outward projection of an upside down fetus where the corresponding body parts are super imposed on the ear. This information spread throughout Europe and China where they confirmed his findings and he became known as the Father of Auriculotherapy. At about the same time Dr. Lichen Huang was also studying Auriculotherapy and came up with the same results. She became known as the Mother of Auriculotherapy.