The Vital Role of Hydration in Holistic Health

July 1, 2024

Health Conditions

As a holistic and functional medicine nurse who works with the principles of Chinese medicine, I cannot stress enough the importance of hydration for overall health and well-being. Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water, and this vital fluid is essential for nearly every bodily function, from regulating temperature to lubricating joints, transporting nutrients, and flushing out toxins. In Chinese medicine, water helps to balance and control fire in our bodies.  Fire represents our digestion, metabolism and motivation.  When fire is too strong, we have inflammation, indigestion, diarrhea.  We can be quick to anger and have a sense of my way or the highway.  Summer is the height of the Fire element and can quickly become excess this time of year. 

Recognizing Dehydration: Mild to Severe Symptoms

Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to a disruption in its normal functions. Understanding the symptoms of dehydration can help you take proactive steps to maintain optimal hydration.

Mild Dehydration Symptoms:

  • Thirst:  Often the first sign of dehydration, thirst signals that your body needs more water.
  • Dry Mouth and Lips:  A sticky or dry feeling in your mouth is a common early sign.
  • Fatigue:  Dehydration can cause feelings of tiredness and lethargy.
  • Headache:  A lack of fluids can lead to headaches, often due to reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain.
  • Dark Yellow Urine:  Your urine color is a good indicator; dark yellow or amber urine suggests dehydration.

Severe Dehydration Symptoms:

  • Dizziness and Confusion:  Severe dehydration can impact cognitive function and lead to dizziness or confusion.
  • Rapid Heartbeat and Breathing:  Your body may compensate for low fluid levels by increasing your heart rate and breathing.
  • Sunken Eyes and Dry Skin:  Noticeable physical changes such as sunken eyes and less elastic, dry skin can indicate severe dehydration.
  • Low Blood Pressure:  This can lead to fainting or feelings of extreme weakness.
  • Absence of Urine or Very Dark Urine:  Little to no urine output is a critical sign of severe dehydration and requires immediate attention.

It is important to seek out emergency treatment if you or someone you know becomes confused, pale, not sweating and been exposed to high temperatures. 

Effective Strategies for Staying Hydrated

Maintaining proper hydration is about more than just drinking water. Here are several strategies to ensure your body gets the fluids it needs:

  • Drink Water Regularly:  Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Adjust this amount based on your activity level, climate, and overall health. Increase that intake if you are outside in the heat.  A good way to jump start your water intake is by drinking a glass or 2 when you wake up.  You will feel the immediate effects of the rehydration. 
  • Eat Water-Rich Foods:  Incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet. Cucumbers, watermelons, oranges, and strawberries are excellent choices. You can also add these to your water to for an added flavoring.
  • Set Reminders:  Use alarms or apps to remind you to drink water throughout the day, especially if you tend to forget. Drinking just 6-8 ounces every hour for 10-12 hours of the day will easily get you to the 64 ounces. 
  • Hydrate Before, During, and After Exercise:  Drink water before you start exercising, sip water during your workout, and replenish fluids afterward to replace what you’ve lost through sweat. Replacing electrolytes if you have perspired a lot is also key.  Or try an old homemade recipe here that was around long before Gatorade and all that food coloring. 
  • Monitor Your Urine Color:  Light-colored urine typically indicates proper hydration, while darker urine suggests you need to drink more water. The lighter your urine, the more hydrated you are. 
  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol:  Both substances can have diuretic effects, increasing the need for water. Balance their intake with plenty of water. It is ok to have a glass or 2 of a caffeinated or alcoholic beverage but follow up each glass with an additional glass of water to maintain your hydration.
  • Use Herbal Teas:  Herbal teas are a great way to increase your fluid intake without the caffeine found in many other beverages. This is helpful if you find drinking just water all day boring. 
  • Carry a Water Bottle:  Having a reusable water bottle on hand makes it easier to drink water throughout the day, whether at work, home, or on the go.
  • IV Hydration: Try adding IV hydration to your wellness routine.  According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Intravenous rehydration is a simple, safe and common procedure with a low risk of complications.” (1) It is however a medical procedure, and you should seek advice from a health care practitioner before receiving IV hydration.  IV hydration, especial with added vitamins and minerals, has been shown to help with chronic fatigue, headaches, migraines, dehydration, hangovers and fibromyalgia to name a few.  Speak to your healthcare provider about IV hydration. 
  • Clear Heat from the Heart: Try a Qigong exercise to help clear heat from the heart.  Stand with feet shoulders width apart.  Put your hands in a prayer position and touch the knuckles of your thumbs to your sternum, inhale.  As you exhale push your ands forward and then to sides at shoulder height.  Keep your elbows bent.  Use the muscles in your back to bring your shoulder blades together and down, opening up the front of your chest.  Inhale as you return your hands to the starting position.  Do this exercise 12 to 24 times.  You can also add the sound of the heart which is HAAAAA as you exhale.  Check out my Youtube channel for a short video demonstration @jackimariest  

The Holistic Approach

Hydration is a cornerstone of holistic health, impacting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By staying properly hydrated, you support your body’s natural functions, promote detoxification, enhance energy levels, and improve overall health. Remember, water is life—prioritize hydration and make it a daily habit to nurture your body from the inside out.

Stay hydrated, stay healthy!

If you live in the Charleston, SC area call Total Wellness Medical Care to book your appointment 843-261-8911. with the practitioner to discuss IV hydration. Interesting in attending a Qigong class or discussing your holistic goals for your wellness? Visit my website or call 843-900-6165.