Natural Medication-Free Back Pain Relief

November 8, 2023

Health Conditions, Self-Care

Upper back pain lower back pain
Upper back pain lower back pain

Do you suffer from back pain?

Did you know you are not alone?

According to the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University, 16 million adults have persistent or chronic back pain.  And back pain doesn’t just affect your back.  Back pain can cause loss of income, loss of sleep, increase in depression and feelings of hopelessness.  It can be caused by several factors, including muscle strain, poor posture, injury, or underlying health conditions.  Both back surgery and pain medication come with a number of risks and side effects.  Many people seek alternatives to medication and surgery for their back pain.  In this blog post, we will explore some six complementary and alternative practices for back pain relief, so you don’t have to rely on medications or resort to surgery. 

1. Heat and Cold Therapy

Heat and cold therapy are simple yet effective methods for relieving back pain.  Applying a hot pack or a heating pad to the affected area can help relax tense muscles and improve circulation in that area.  Cold packs, on the hand, reduce inflammation and help to numb the area. One effective remedy is to alternate between hot and cold.  Try 20 minutes of ice followed by 15-20 minutes of heat. Always use a towel or cloth between you and the ice pack to avoid freezer burning your skin.

2. Auriculotherapy

Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of points on your ear to have a therapeutic effect elsewhere in your body.  This stimulation helps to alleviate pain, relax muscles, and even reduce inflammation.  It is a noninvasive treatment that utilizes earseeds to stimulate the points.  All of this with little to no side effects.  You can see a trained Auriculotherapist, like myself or find one in your local area by clicking here.  Or you can order your own kit and put them on yourself, great for the DIYer.  Check the kits out here

3. Lengthen and Strengthen Those Muscles

Regular exercise can help to alleviate back pain.  With acute injuries we may need to rest for 24-48 hours, but after that we can end up doing more harm than good.  That doesn’t mean going from laying down on the couch to a full day at the gym.  Start slowly. Start with a walk.  Increase the length of your walk each day even by just a few minutes.  When we are sedentary, our muscles become weak and our spine starts to compress due to gravity.  Strengthening your back muscles can help to alleviate some of that pain. There are exercises we can do to help improve the strength of our back.  Stay tuned to my You-tube channel for some back improvement exercises where I will share how practicing Qigong has helped me to strengthen my back and alleviated nearly all my back pain. Or if you are in Summerville on 11/19 we will be learning a few exercises at the Wellness Workshop to alleviate back pain. Details below.

4. Posture Improvement

Poor posture is a one of the leading causes of back pain, especially with our sedentary desk jobs and excessive screen time.  This is a moment for you to be mindful of your posture.  Pause for a second and notice how you are sitting or standing. Is your body in alignment with your head shoulder over your hips and your head in line with your shoulder with your chest up? Or are you slouched over your phone or computer with your spine looking more like the letter C?

5. Weight Management

Excess weight can put a great deal of pressure on your spine causing your discs to compress.  This can cause degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and low back pain.  Even if being overweight is not the cause of your back pain, it can make it worse. Maintaining a healthy diet and moving your body can help you to lose that extra weight and therefore improve your back pain. 

6. Sleep and Mattress Quality

Never underestimate the power of good sleep and good sleep starts with your mattress.  A supportive mattress and proper sleeping posture are crucial for managing and preventing back pain.  Your mattress should provide adequate support and comfort for your specific needs.  Utilize pillows to support your body and your limbs so that you can relax into a restful nights sleep.

While back pain can be a debilitating issue, there are natural, medication-free remedies that can provide relief and improve your overall back health.  Some are immediate relief like Auriculotherapy and hot and cold therapy, some are more long term like weight management and exercise.  Consistency is the key.  Your back supports your entire nervous system and is linked to every part of your body.  Keeping your back healthy and strong can keep the rest of your body healthy and strong.  And you after all are worth it.

If you are looking to learn a bit more finding relief for you back pain, I am hosting a Wellness Workshop on November 16, 2023 from 7:00-8:30 pm at Total Wellness Medical 208 E. 2nd North St. Summerville, SC 29483.  We will be learning a few exercises for a strong flexible spine, a few acupressure points for back pain relief and I will be doing a special on my 2-point combo for back pain relief for only $20.  Your health is your most important wealth.  To RSVP, call or text me at 843-900-6165 or email me at